The world needs a new attitude towards waste
We need a new perspective on waste. The transition to a circular economy is crucial to mitigate climate change, the exhaustion of our natural resources, and the risk of overshooting planetary boundaries. But the current view on waste stands in the way of this transition.
01 Sep 2023Many nations, including the EU, have clearly committed to transferring to a circular economy, and have action plans in place to make it happen. However, the traditional linear economy includes several obstacles to such a transfer. Especially when it comes to society's view on waste.
- The transition to a circular economy requires a whole new attitude towards waste. We need to start treating waste as a valuable source of sustainable resources, says Susanna Lind, head of public affairs and government Ragn-Sells Sweden.
Instead of minimising the amount of waste, Susanna argues that our overall goal must be to reduce the unsustainable extraction of virgin materials.
- The main aim of the so-called waste hierarchy, more or less fundamental to all current legislation and regulation of waste in Europe and other developed countries, is to reduce waste. This does not address the right issues. On the contrary, it counteracts efforts to establish large-scale circular flows.
Susanna Lind, head of public affairs and government Ragn-Sells Sweden
To make a circular economy possible, the waste hierarchy must be replaced with a new governing principle focused on resources. The starting point for all legislation and regulation should be a fundamental strategy for a sustainable supply of raw materials. It would allow for the raw materials we already have extracted to be used efficiently, without posing a threat to our health, environment, or climate.
- Give all production of materials the same conditions, regardless of whether its origin is waste or virgin production. Today, virgin materials do not fully bear the cost of their extraction and emissions, which gives them a competitive advantage compared to recycled materials, concludes Susanna.