Red lockers a step towards gender equality

Ragn-Sells is continuing its collaboration with the company RedLocker, which offers free menstrual products in the workplace. The initiative forms part of Ragn-Sells’ sustainability drive towards an equal and inclusive workplace.

19 Jan 2023

November 2021 saw RedLocker’s red dispensers installed in or by the toilets at 17 of the offices/facilities in Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Estonia where Ragn-Sells has operations.

- The dispensers have proved so popular that we’re now rolling out red dispensers and boxes to all the workplaces where women work across the Group, announces Maya Zetterberg from the HR Department, who has coordinated the rollout and overseen the practical work involved.

Beginning life as a school project by two young women at upper secondary school, RedLocker has both developed its existing product and launched a new one over the past year. The dispenser that previously only contained tampons now also provides sanitary pads, and a new ‘MiniBox’ has been produced for smaller workplaces. In addition, the updated dispensers have a sensor that detects when they need to be refilled.

- Our colleagues asked about sanitary pads from day one, so it’s great that we can now offer this as well to our employees, says Maya.

We want to offer a work and meeting space for everyone and RedLocker contributes to that.

-Susanne Schumann, HR Director of Ragn-Sells Group

Susanne Schumann, HR Director of Ragn-Sells Group, sees the partnership with RedLocker as a natural initiative within the company’s overall gender equality work.

- Ragn-Sells has initiated important work regarding diversity and inclusion. RedLocker is one of many initiatives in all our countries and an established feature at many of our offices and sites. We want to offer a work and meeting space for everyone and RedLocker contributes to that.

Around 55 offices and facilities within the Ragn-Sells Group will offer free menstrual products from early 2023.