A successful step from chemical industry to green technology
After working for the same company in the chemical industry for 25 years, Anders Edensvärd turned the page last autumn and started at Ragn-Sells innovation company EasyMining in Gothenburg. Going from an established company to a startup can be challenging, but Anders sees several advantages with the decision he has made and enjoys working with green technologies.
02 Mar 2021– I thought I had the best job in the world, both rewarding and developing, and had no thoughts of going elsewhere at all. But when we were acquired and my department was sold off, I simply had to rethink. It turned out to be a good decision, says Anders.
Anders was previously involved in chemical plant projects all over the world. Through his large network in the industry, he heard about EasyMining and it immediately caught his eye. He made contact and when he was offered the position as Senior Process Control Engineer, it felt like the right thing to do.
Already from the start he thought it was incredibly interesting and it felt like he was heading in the right direction when he went from the chemical industry to the recycling industry.
– The development goes towards a circular economy and in the future, there will definitely be a large development market for recycling processes. Then it is great to be involved from the beginning, to develop this new industry and be a part of the journey. We are setting the standard for the future right now, says Anders.
Choosing the best technology for the purpose
Anders is mainly involved in EasyMining´s Ash2Phos and Nitrogen recovery project. In his role, he works with classic instrument- and process automation design for the various technologies that EasyMining develops.
His work requires competence in measurement technology to have the knowledge to choose the best technology for the purpose. This includes how the process can be automated in the most cost-effective way. Getting the process cost-effective and safe is a must when upscaling technologies to large scale.
Anders is also in charge of implementing EasyMining’s engineering system EasyTools. In the system lean models of commercial upscaled processes, as for example Ash2Phos technology, can be created.
– Since we are building plants repeatedly, we see a huge potential profit in establishing an engineering system. The system will also help us to keep track of engineering data, share data and enable single entry of data. By this way of working, called modular engineering, we will save many engineering hours, says Anders.
Enjoying working with a startup and green technology
To go from a large and established company to a startup-like and more unknown brand can be a challenge after so many years in the profession. However, Anders sees several advantages with the decision he has made.
– Although it can be good with very solid structures, it can also be inhibiting. At EasyMining, the decision paths are shorter and we all strive for the common goal to solve the tasks and drive the projects forward. We have a great work environment and an incredibly positive development in the office, says Anders.
– Going forward, I think we all need to rethink and contribute to a change in how we use the earth's resources more effective, and for me to be a part of the upscaling work of our green technologies is satisfying and fun. I believe our society still have a lot to do to reach a good level of circular economy, not least in laws and regulations. But developing efficient recycling processes is a good contribution in the right direction.