Leadership model supports managers and employees

Ragn-Sells operates in a market that is in a state of transition. This places demands on leadership in the company. It’s about finding new ways to work, being able to lead in a process of change and promoting a corporate culture that supports the long-term strategy. To reinforce managers and other employees, Ragn-Sells works according to a leadership model. This model is known as 5C.

07 Mar 2023

- We live in a world that’s changing rapidly and facing major shifts in society. If we as individuals and companies are to keep up with developments, we need to be proactive and to secure the right competence, both now and in the future, says Kristina Eklund Nielsen, Head of Strategic Competence Development.

The 5C leadership and culture model guides Ragn-Sells and the leaders in the company in how they should act and engage employees in the company’s journey of change. 5C is also an important element of work to realise Ragn-Sells’ goals and strategies.

Illustration of Ragn-Sells leadership model 5C

In addition, the 5C model serves as a guide for how employees should act in their own leadership. This is why the 5C model is an important feature of Ragn-Sells’ the development talk template and the employee survey.

A learning structured like a programme

​​​​​​​In 2022, the Ragn-Sells Academy was tasked with creating a learning for all leaders in the Group, in which they all acquire an insight into the purpose and background of our 5C leadership and culture model, as well as an opportunity to reflect on and work with their own leadership.

For the learning to be as effective as possible, and to give participants the opportunity to develop through a sustainable change in behaviour, the programme will be spread over a longer period. The learning is digital and will be sent out to participants as a journey of learning lasting around nine months.

The first module is an introduction linked to leadership at Ragn-Sells, in which participants perform a self-assessment of their leadership before the programme starts. There is then a learning element linked to each C (see figure above) in the leadership model, with each module given a structure that people are familiar with:

  • a description of the meaning of each C.
  • videos in which participants encounter leaders in different parts of the company who offer practical tips and explain about the challenges associated with the C in question.
  • tips and exercises for participants and tools to use in their dialogue with employees.

To make sure this really does take effect, the participants work with an action plan in which they reflect on their strengths and development areas. The action plan has a clear link to the development talks and the employee survey.

Managerial involvement – a success factor to make it work

- Engaging the managers of those leaders who are taking part in the programme is absolutely one of the most important success factors if we’re to have the effect and the sustainable change in behaviour that we’re striving for, explains Kristina Eklund Nielsen.

The actual programme concludes with a self-reflection stage, in which participants also compare their development with the self-assessment performed before the programme started. The action plan is a live document, which participants take with them and continue to work with after the programme has finished.

- It’s above all the session linked to 5C’s ‘Collaboration’ that I got the most out of. When I include my employees, we can define clear goals together. Then it’s not just about my contribution as a leader, but what we can do together to reach the goals, says Daniell Rojas, manager at Ragn-Sells.

Alongside the 5C programme, there are also other initiatives under way to develop leaders within Ragn-Sells. One example is initiatives to reinforce managers in their communicative leadership.

5C: an example of the Ragn-Sells learning model

The 5C programme is based on the learning model that Ragn-Sells started to work with during 2021, in which people create learning journeys that are designed to achieve sustainable behaviour and improved performance.